At North Cyprus IVF Center, we offer comprehensive fertility care for both married and single prospective parents. This includes single mothers and fathers to be. In this blog post, we discuss fertility treatment options for prospective single mothers. Regardless of your marital status, the most important part of any fertility treatment is testing and assessment. We will first want to assess your ovarian function, review your previous reproductive/gynecological history and formulate a treatment plan accordingly. After a thorough assessment, the most suitable treatment option can be chosen and we can then move forward with treatment planning. The following important steps outline how your fertility treatment planning is approached at North Cyprus IVF Center.
Fertility Assessment
Before any fertility treatment, a thorough assessment is key to formulating the most optimal course of treatment. For women in their 20s and 30s, using own eggs is usually a viable option. However, for women over 40 years of age, a thorough ovarian assessment is made before a conclusion can be made whether own eggs can be used. Every woman is born with a finite set of ovarian reserves and these reserves decline with each menstrual cycle over time. By the time a woman reaches 40 years of age, a great majority of her egg reserves will have been depleted. While pregnancy over 40 can be achieved, success depends on whether viable eggs can be obtained or not. If a woman’s ovarian function is still within acceptable levels and viable eggs can be obtained, then IVF treatment with own eggs can yield a desired outcome. The first step, therefore, is Fertility Testing.
Deciding on a Suitable Treatment Option
If your ovarian reserves are found within acceptable levels, then IUI or IVF treatment can be planned using donor sperm. If you are in your 20s or early 30s, and would like to opt for a non-invasive method of fertility treatment, then IUI treatment can be right for you. As mentioned above, your ovarian function will be an important determinant prior to deciding on a suitable treatment option. However, if you are found to be in the “optimal level of fertility”, then IUI treatment can be one of your options.
If you are in slightly older age brackets (30 and above), and/or your ovarian function is also slightly reduced, then chances of success with the non-invasive IUI treatment will be very low. In these cases, we recommend considering IVF Treatment using donor sperm.
If your ovarian reserves have been depleted and test results indicate no ovarian function, then achieving pregnancy with your own eggs will be very unlikely. In such cases, you may need to consider using donor eggs for a successful pregnancy. You will find more information here on IVF Treatment with Egg and Sperm Donation.
Now, with improved IVF techniques and technologies, certain applications such as “Ovarian rejuvenation via PRP injection” can possibly help women in older age brackets to initiate egg development in their ovaries. While this is still in early clinical trial stage, the preliminary results look very promising.
Treatment Planning and Preparation
Once the optimal treatment method is chosen, the next step is to prepare for treatment. Once we have effectively reviewed your test results, we will be able to draft a treatment program that is customized for you specifically. Your treatment program will include a very detailed account of what needs to be done on a daily basis prior to your arrival in Cyprus. Please see the following pages for more information on “How to Obtain and use IVF Medication” and “Traveling to Cyprus“.
Arrival in Cyprus and Finalization of Your Treatment
Once you arrive in Cyprus, you will have a scheduled appointment before finalizing the IVF procedure. Your final scans and mock transfer will take place on your “First Appointment in Cyprus“. Prior to your arrival, you will be able to choose your accommodation from a variety of “Accommodation Options” offered by North Cyprus IVF Center.
Your patient coordinators will be guiding you throughout your treatment program from start to finish, ensuring a comfortable and stress-free treatment. Please contact us for more information.