Friday, February 14, 2025

Gender Selection Using Donor Eggs

Overview of Gender Selection using Donor Eggs

Female patients whose ovarian reserves have been depleted will have fertility problems.

If the female patient’s ovarian function has declined to very low levels, but she would still like to use our gender selection program for family balancing purposes, the most suitable course of action is to use donor eggs from a young and healthy egg donor to plan a successful pregnancy.

Given that donor eggs are used for the IVF procedures, the female patient will not be required to undergo an extensive ovarian function testing.

Instead, we will ask for a uterine assessment in order to make sure there are no visible problems that can interfere with a successful pregnancy.

The male patient will be asked to have a sperm analysis done for important sperm parameters. Once the patients arrive in Cyprus, we will perform all infectious disease screening on site.

The cost of selecting the sex of your baby using donor eggs is 7,000 Euros. This includes your egg donor’s compensation, her medication, tests and screening, the IVF procedures and the pre-implantation genetic screening on the embryos before embryo transfer.

Your own infectious disease screening is not included in this fee and will cost 200 Euros additionally. The cost of accommodation and the cost of your travel are also not included in this cost of treatment. Please refer to the “Traveling for IVF treatment” section for more details.

Gender selection is a treatment option chosen by patients who would like to choose the sex of their child before pregnancy. Patients may prefer to choose the sex of their unborn child due to family balancing purposes, or in some instances, as a method of prevention against certain genetic disorders.

As a method of family balancing, patients often seek our gender selection program when they already have a number of kids. However, sometimes, by the time they would like to balance their families, the level of fertility may decline to very low levels. When the female patient’s ovarian reserves decline to such low levels, pregnancy with own eggs may not be possible. In this section, we will outline our program of gender selection coupled with egg donation. In other words, this section of our website focuses on using donor eggs for having a baby of desired sex for family balancing purposes.

When receiving gender selection treatment using donor eggs, there are two main components which need to be considered:

1) Using donor eggs: Choosing an egg donor for treatment is one of the main considerations of this treatment option. When matching recipients with egg donors, we ask that our patients fill out our donor/recipient form so that our donor coordinator can initiate the donor matching process and narrow down the egg donor options based on our patients’ specifications. Given that egg donors have to be anonymous in Cyprus, we can only share limited information about our egg donors such as their physical features, educational and occupational information, hobbies and social activities as well as medical information. We are not able to provide contact information or pictures. For more information on the “egg donation” aspect of your treatment, please refer to our “IVF with Egg Donation” section. This section will provide you information about your egg donor selection, required tests and screening as well as the course of treatment. Your treatment will be exactly like the treatment outlined in this section. The only difference is, you will also be having your embryos screened for genetic abnormalities as well as the sex prior to the embryo transfer procedure.

2) Selection of the Sex: Everything up until this part is identical to the “IVF with Egg Donation” treatment. Once your egg donor’s eggs are retrieved and once the embryos are created, we will introduce the “gender selection” aspect of your treatment. Once your embryos have been crerated, they will be incubated for a few days until they reach an ideal level of development so that an embryo biopsy can be performed. With this embryo biopsy, we use a technique called “Pre-implantation genetic screening” or shortly PGS, so that we can screen the chromosomes both for genetic aneuploidies and the sex of the embryos. Once we identify which embryos are free of genetic problems and are of desired sex, we can separate them from the rest and prepare them for the embryo transfer procedure. We are able to transfer up to 3 embryos in an IVF cycle. Therefore, based on the number of embryos you have, you will have a decision to make regarding the number of embryos you would like to have transferred. Your doctor will provide you with sufficient amount of information so that you can make an informed decision about your embryo transfer.

Getting Started

The very first step in fertility treatments is testing/screening. It is essential that we see some test results in order to make sure that we can offer you the most optimal treatment option which will give you the maximum chance of success. Therefore, before we begin with treatment, the following will be the first pieces of information we will require from our patients:

1- Previous history of pregnancies. It will be important to know whether the couple has had any prior successful and unsuccessful pregnancies. If the patients do not have any children, we may need to ask for additional investigation to make sure that appropriate treatment protocol is designed in case there is any suspicion over other fertility problems.

2- The female patient will need to have a trans-vaginal ultrasound scan in order to make sure that there are no fibroids/polyps localized in a way that can interfere with a successful pregnancy.

3- The male patient will be asked to have a sperm analysis done so that we can observe sperm parameters such as volume, count, motility, morphology, pH and round cell count. Sperm testing is an important part of an IVF treatment.

Once we have the results of these initial testing, we can move on to the next stages of treatment which include egg donor mathcing and treatment planning. If you do nor have a local doctor who can offer these tests and screening, we may be able to recommend a few names based on your location. Therefore, please feel free to ask us about how to get your preliminary testing done if you are not sure. Please feel free to Contact us for more information!
