Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Dr. Ahmet Ozyigit

Who is Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ozyigit?

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ozyigit

Clinical Embryologist
Clinical Coordinator


 Emaildr.ahmet@elitenicosia.com or ozyigit.a@live.unic.ac.cy

 Phone: +90 548 8878787
              +357 96 94 1003

1. Name and Last Name: Ahmet Ozyigit

2Date of birth: 27 October 1981

3. Current Job Title: General Practitioner
                                   Clinical Associate (Academic)

4. Educational Background:

5. Professional Background

6. Projects

Sectoral Interdependence, Convergence and Common development between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot economies, funded by the UNDP, October 2009.
< https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pnaec416.pdf >

7. Publications

      7.1. Books and Book Chapters

Ozyigit, A., 2011. Poverty and Income Inequality in the Face of Global Food Crisis: Evidence from Latin America. In: B. Ghosh, ed., Global Food Crisis: Contemporary Issues and Policy Options, 1st ed. Leeds: Wisdom House, pp.251-278.

Ozyigit, A. and Ozyigit, S., 2018. The IVF Guide. 1st ed. Irvine: Universal Publishers.

Ozyigit, A. 2022. (A Bio-psycho-social approach to Health and State of Wellness) Sağlıkta Biyo-Psiko-Sosyal Yaklaşım ve Tam İyilik Hali. In: C. Gur, ed., Bebeklikten ergenliğe iyi oluş: Pozitif düşünme eğitimi, 1st ed. Ankara: Ani Yayincilik.

     7.2. SCI, SSCI, SCI Expanded, AHCI, Scopus Indexed Journals (Medicine)

Ozyigit, A., Michaelides, C. and Natsiopoulos, K., 2018. Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension Presenting With Frontotemporal Dementia: A Case Report. Frontiers in Neurology, 9.

Ozyigit, A., 2020. Understanding Covid-19 transmission: The effect of temperature and health behavior on transmission rates. Infection, Disease & Health, 25(4), pp.233-238.

Ozyigit, A.,2021. Type 2 diabetes as a risk factor for dementia in colder climates: Panel data evidence for United States. International Public Health Journal 13(3), pp. 325-331.

Ozyigit, A., 2021. The Impact of Years of Schooling on Dementia: Panel Data Evidence from Europe. Universal Journal of Public Health, 9(1), pp.18-25.

Ozyigit, A., 2023. Spontaneous intracranial hypotension complicated by unilateral subdural hematoma, coma, and the rare Kernohan’s notch phenomenon. Clinical Case Reports, 11(1), p. e6899.

      7.3. SCI, SSCI, SCI Expanded, AHCI, Scopus Indexed Journals (Economics)

Özyigit, A., 2008. The Impact of Aid on the Economy of Northern Cyprus. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 40(2), pp.185-187.

Katircioglu, S., Eminer, F., Aga, M. and Ozyigit, A., 2010. Trade and Growth in the Pacific Islands – Empirical Evidence from the Bounds Test to Level Relationships and Granger Causality Tests. Journal for Economic Forecasting, 13(4), pp 88-101

Ozyigit, A. and Eminer, F., 2011. Bounds test approach to the relationship between human capital and foreign direct investment as regressors of economic growth in Turkey. Applied Economics Letters, 18(6), pp .561-565.

Aga M. and Ozyigit A., 2011. The Role of Universities on the Turkish Cypriot Economy: Higher Education as a Means of Promoting the Tourism Sector. Actual Problems of Economics, 6(120).

Ozyigit, A. and Eminer, F. 2021. Income convergence in Cyprus: The impact of Green Line trade and increased interaction between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot economies. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies. 46(3-4)

Ozyigit, A. and Eminer, F., 2021. De-facto States and Aid Dependence: An Analysis of the Impact of Turkish Aid on the Economy of Northern Cyprus . Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi. Advanced online publication. pp. 1-21.

8. Awards of Merit

A. J. Boynton Scholarship– University of Kansas, Economics Department (1999)
A. J. Boynton Scholarship– University of Kansas, Economics Department (2000)
Cyprus-America Scholarship Program, Graduate Scholarship awarded by the Fulbright Commission (2001)

9. Memberships

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
American Society of Reproductive Medicine
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology

10. Skills

Language Skills
Turkish – Fluent/Native
English – Fluent
French – Pre-Intermediate
Greek – Beginner

Computer/Software Skills:

Professional knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PP.
Working knowledge of E-Views
Working knowledge of SPSS
