Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Frequently Asked Questions About IVF

Fertility care services differ from many other care services in one critical aspect. While in most healthcare services, the outcome is assessed as an “improvement” in general level of healthcare compared to health status before the service transaction, the outcome of a fertility care service is either a negative or a positive result.

There are no other scales in between. This unique characteristic of fertility care services can potentially differentiate fertility care from other care services in the sense that a negative or a positive outcome can override any other service attributes.

It has been reported that patients have a tendency of accepting fertility clinics’ published success rates as a single determinant of their service quality (Lass and Brinsden, 2001). However, this is a rather misguided conception.

Higher success rates in fertility care services can be the direct result of clinical policies such as only accepting patients who are likely to succeed or offering treatment to patients who would otherwise still achieve pregnancy with less invasive procedures. In recent years, as a response to the misguided conception of quality based on effectiveness and outcome, patient centeredness has emerged as a component of high quality of care in fertility services (Dancet et al., 2010). Patient centeredness has been defined as being able to provide services respectful of and responsive to patients’ unique needs and requirements (IOM, 2001). Considering that infertility can be a cause of poor quality of life associated with depression and higher anxiety, offering patient-centered fertility care can possibly contribute to patients’ well-being (Van Empel et al., 2010).

As a patient-centered fertility clinic, North Cyprus IVF Centre welcomes any questions and comments you have about the services that we provide. Please browse our “Frequently Asked Questions” section for specific questions and answers related to the type of treatment you are interested in. The chances are, we have been asked these questions before and have already prepared a comprehensive answer to them so that you can also benefit. You may also find questions that you may not have thought about before so hopefully our question and answer section will provide some guidance to you on your journey to parenthood!

We always encourage our patients to ask any questions that come to their minds. It is okay to ask questions! You are about to receive a medical service, therefore, it is important that you understand what this service entails and what you can do to help optimize the chances of success with this service. We can only provide answers to commonly asked questions and to those questions that we believe are relevant. However, each patient is unique and each patient has a unique medical history. Therefore, you may not be able to find all the answers to your questions in this section. In that case, just ask!

Frequently Asked Questions About Main IVF Treatments
