What is MicroSort?
MicroSort® is a sperm separation method based on the difference in the amount of genetic material in sperm. Every normal sperm sample contains both X (female) and Y (male) bearing cells.
The sperm containing the X chromosome (which have approximately 2.8% more DNA) will shine brighter than the sperm containing the Y chromosome, that difference allows us to identify and separate the sperm cells.
MicroSort is a method of density based sperm sorting based on the X and Y chromosome density differentials and it does not genetically identify the sex of the sperm cell 100%. MicroSort technology has a success around 70% for male selection and 75-80% for female selection. It should be viewed as a method to improve the odds of having a desired gender rather than a 100% accurate method of gender selection.
How is it done?
During the MicroSort® process, the sperm sample is washed to remove seminal liquid and non-motile cells. After the washing, the sample is stained with a special fluorescent material that attaches to the DNA contained in the sperm.
Once stained, the sperm cells are analyzed one by one by a flow cytometer, in which cells pass through a laser to make the stain attach to the DNA fluoresce.
The flow cytometer uses a special software to identify X and Y chromosome sperm based on their fluorescence signature.
The sperm carrying the chromosome that will produce the desired gender are separated from the rest of the sample resulting in an enriched sperm sample ready for use.
MicroSort® does not guarantee a baby of the desired gender, but the technology is scientifically proven to significantly increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby of the desired gender.
Does this method harm the sperm sample?
While there is an element of stress caused the process does not harm the sperm sample.
How long does it take?
The sorting process of each semen sample could take between 6 and 7 hours. Microsort requires a certain coordination to optimize this time, every sperm sample has different characteristics that potentially can increase or decrease the required time.
MicroSort® is available for couples who are looking to balance their families, all patients must present negative testing results for the following:
– HIV I and II
– Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis C antibody
A sperm analysis will be required to assess whether or not the sample meets the parameters required for sorting and so our staff can estimate the expected results and the different measures that can be considered based on each individual case.