At North Cyprus IVF Clinic, we have been offering “outside the box” treatment options for our patients when offering assisted reproductive treatments. Our new treatment option “Cytoplasmic Tandem IVF” is one such treatment option for patients with lowered ovarian reserves and poor egg quality. Cytoplasmic Tandem IVF combines the benefits of a “Tandem IVF Cycle” with “Cytoplasmic IVF Transfer” to give you the best of two worlds!
A Tandem IVF cycle means using your own eggs as well as donor eggs in a single IVF treatment cycle. This allows women to have a chance of pregnancy using their own eggs by also having donor eggs as their back-up plan should their own eggs do not provide good quality embryos, sufficient for an embryo transfer.
A Cytoplasmic IVF transfer also uses an egg donor and own eggs in a single cycle. But with cytoplasmic IVF, it is not the eggs of the egg donor that we are interested in but rather the cytoplasmic content of the eggs. We retrieve the cytoplasmic content of the egg donor’s eggs and inject it into the eggs of the patient, thus, providing our patient’s eggs with a better host environment for cellular growth and development and giving them a higher chance of success with their own eggs.
By combining the two treatments, we not only improve your chances of IVF success using your own eggs, but we also allow you to fertilize the rest of the donor eggs (the ones that are not used for their cytoplasm) with your partner’s sperm sample. The embryos created by donor eggs can be frozen and preserved for a future date in case your treatment cycle fails and you decide to use donor eggs in the future. This way, you can have an IVF treatment where your personal success likelihood is maximized using your own eggs and where you are also given a back-up plan with donor eggs in a future IVF cycle should things don’t work out as planned – All for a single cost of treatment!
Please contact us for more information!